Sunday, November 3, 2019

What sport can Trump attend and not get booed?

Nascar, maybe.

He went to a UFC match to cancel out that drubbing he got at the World Series, and it only partially worked.

His story:

The reality:

Funnier is how he tried to gloss it over.

"More cheers than boos."  High praise indeed.  And that's from a pro-Trump publication.  Idiot son Junior doesn't know any better than to choose that to tweet?  And idiot father retweets it.  LOL

Who says Eric's the dumb one?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE:  LOL...they really are trying to find him one.


Off hand, I can't think of any sports event he attended as president until the World Series fiasco, so I'd say, yes, that's what he's doing.

UPDATE:  Alabama student government to ensure he gets no boos.

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