Monday, November 4, 2019

What happened to us in 2016 has also been happening to Britain

Collusion with Russia to interfere in elections.

The idea that Russia was involved in Brexit is not new, and I've kind of brushed it off just like I did when the stories about the Trump campaign and Russia were first circulating. Eventually, one story or another sealed it for me and I started to really believe. This is the one that convinces me it's also true of Britain and Brexit.
Downing Street has effectively blocked the publication of a potentially explosive parliamentary report on the security threat that Russia poses to the UK until after the general election.

The 50-page document from the intelligence and security committee (ISC) examines allegations that Kremlin-sponsored activity distorted the result of the 2016 EU referendum, but has to be cleared by No 10 before it can be released.

Downing Street indicated on Monday that it would not approve publication before parliament is dissolved on Tuesday evening, meaning that it cannot now appear before the election on 12 December.


A final draft of the Russian dossier, the product of 18 months work, was sent to Downing Street on 17 October and was originally intended for publication today. Political approval had expected by the end of last week.


The committee’s chairman, Dominic Grieve, said the decision to prevent publication before the election was “jaw-dropping” and that he could not understand on what basis it had been made.

“The protocols are quite clear. If the prime minister has a good reason for preventing publication he should explain to the committee what it is, and do it within 10 days of him receiving the report. If not it should be published,” he said.

  The Guardian
Making the reason quite clear.

As Sarah Kendzior noted long ago, "We have a transnational crime syndicate masquerading as a government."

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