Monday, September 23, 2019

They need evidence!

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, suggested that if these latest revelations are as grave as they look, it’s all but certain we’ll get articles of impeachment from the committee.

“If the evidence indeed shows that the president again betrayed the national interest by placing his personal political agenda in front of the rule of law and the interests of the American people, that is easily reducible to an article of impeachment,” Raskin told me.

What more evidence do they need than Trump's (and Giuliani's) televised admissions that he pressed Ukraine's president to investigate the Bidens?
“He’s converted the government into an instrument of his own self enrichment,” Raskin told me. “He’s making money hand over fist from princes, kings and foreign governments. He is also channeling federal taxpayer dollars directly to his businesses.”
As if those things weren't enough to bring impeachment proceedings.
“The unifying theme of the president’s misconduct is his constant betrayal of the oath of office and the national interest,” Raskin continued. “He continues to place his own financial and political interests above his duty to the rule of law and the country. This is the cardinal sin for a president under the Constitution.”
So tell Nancy Pelosi to sit down or go home, and impeach the motherfucker.

Jesus wept.

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