Monday, September 9, 2019

The Volfeve Index

In an attempt to quantify the impact of Trump’s tweets on the bond market, J.P. Morgan devised a “Volfefe Index” to analyze how the president’s tweets are influencing volatility in U.S. interest rates.

J.P. Morgan found that the index, named after Trump’s infamous and still mysterious “covfefe” tweet, explains a measurable fraction of the moves in implied rate volatility for 2-year and 5-year Treasurys.


Trump’s market-moving messages most often address trade and monetary policy, with key words including “China,” “billion” and “products.”


Out of about 4,000 non-retweets occurring during market hours from 2018 to the present, only 146 moved the market.

Most of Trump’s tweets come around noon to 2:00 pm, with a 1:00 pm tweet roughly three times as likely to arrive at any other hour of the afternoon or evening, according to J.P. Morgan’s report.


Trump’s 3:00 am tweets are also more common than 3:00 pm tweets, which can be a nuisance for U.S. rates markets, since overnight market depth tends to be thin.Trump is presumably asleep from 5:00 am to 10:00 am, according to the report, since there’s a lull in tweeting activity during that time.

Days when Trump tweets a lot are also associated with negative stock market returns, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Of course. I hadn't even thought of that. He's watching his portfolio.
While Trump’s twitter activity can disrupt markets with sudden attacks on China trade or the Federal Reserve, he has still been good for the stock market overall. The Dow is up 42% since the 2016 presidential election and 31% since his inauguration.

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