Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nasty man

Of course he's NOT being sarcastic.  How could you think that?

On Friday, students around the world and concerned citizens from all walks of life took to the streets to demand specific policies in hopes of averting climate disaster.


It broke out on places like Fox News, which cast the notion of banding together to accomplish anything as fatally big government. Then the National Republican Congressional Committee blasted out a press release smearing the “climate brats” who protested their Democratic congresswoman in Iowa.

  Splinter News

Republicans leading the way on issues that concern the entire world.

And this is probably what set him off:

Thunberg, who kickstarted the global School Strike movement with her weekly Friday school strikes in Sweden, has been in New York for the climate summit. She briefly crossed paths with Donald Trump at the United Nations on Monday, as he arrived to attend a meeting on religious freedom.


As Trump passed in front of Thunberg, she fixed him with a steady stare, video of which quickly went viral. Julián Castro, the Democratic presidential contender, tweeted the video with the words: “I think a lot of us can relate.”




UPDATE 12/12:  She's Times' Person of the Year.  He's jealous.

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