Friday, August 30, 2019

Whiney T

And those people are getting fucked by Trump's trade war.  Why is "manufacturers" in parentheses?

How long till somebody fixes that misspelling?  In fact, with the misspelling, he's more accurate:  they are reigning with bad and unfair players.

And how's that working out?

An interesting tactic to reach 0-0 tariffs: instigate tariffs and then match retaliatory tariffs tit for tat until you've destroyed the two largest economies in the world.

No wonder Trump failed at all his business attempts.  He thinks corporations might behave in any other way than to maximize profits for their shareholders.  (And is he inadvertently giving Obama credit there for "saving help" to corporations?)

Let us know when you figure out how to do that, because we're going to have four years worth.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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