Monday, May 13, 2019

Trump's morning bullshit about trade, typos and all

China will eat our lunch, imbecile.

There's little doubt he truly thinks he's being harrassed because he's doing a great job.

And did his hero Tom Fitton really say "attack strategy of harass"?

William Barr is very sophisticated.

Yes, that trip to the White House, where the magic president who controls everything in the universe and causes all manner of the greatest things to happen, is why the Red Sox are winning. 

"The opposite of being on the cover of Sports Illustrated."  I would have thought that meant you weren't making it in the world of sports, but

And remind me how long that means the Red Sox have been winning - when was their visit to the White House?  Less than a week.

P.S.  Virtually all black players stayed home.  Have they been sitting out on winning games?

UPDATE 10am:'s China's response to Trump's threat, which anybody who's paying attention could have guessed at.

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