Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The best people

A Jefferson County grand jury has indicted the Southeast regional administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and a former Alabama Environmental Management Commissioner for violating state ethics laws.

Charges include multiple violations of Alabama’s Ethics Act, including soliciting a thing of value from a principal, lobbyist or subordinate, and receiving money in addition that received in one’s official capacity, according to the Alabama Ethics Commission.

Before being appointed by President Donald Trump to serve as the Region 4 administrator of the EPA, Trey Glenn worked closely with the Birmingham-based law firm Balch & Bingham and one of its clients, Drummond Co., to fight EPA efforts to test and clean up neighborhoods in north Birmingham and Tarrant.


President Donald Trump appointed Glenn lead EPA’s Region 4 in August 2017, after incidents covered in the indictment.


After accepting his appointment at the EPA, Glenn recused himself from north Birmingham environmental issues for one year. Environmental activists and nonprofit watchdog groups have asked Glenn to recuse himself permanently.
And you didn't think Alabama had ethics.  But I know you're not surprised that Trump appointed someone who fought the EPA to administer the EPA.

Trump likes to claim the best and the most and the biggest for everything. One thing he'll surely be able to claim legitimately is the most unethical administration in history, and probably, the one with the most criminal convictions, when the final tally comes in.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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