Tuesday, October 30, 2018

He'll be emperor one day

The US government is planning to end birthright citizenship for babies of non-citizens and undocumented immigrants born on US soil, President Donald Trump said in an interview on Tuesday.

In an interview with "Axios on HBO", Trump said he is working with legal counsel to put an end to the practice, which has existed since 1968 and stipulates that citizenship is automatically granted to any person born within US territory.

Revoking birthright citizenship would lead to a court fight over whether the president has the unilateral ability to change an amendment to the Constitution. The 14th Amendment guarantees that right for all children born in the US.

Another reason packing the courts is so important.

When we were children in the 50s, they warned us in school constantly about the danger of waking up Communist one day, but they never said anything about waking up Trumpist.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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