Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dick in Chief Still Being a Dick About Puerto Rico

"Largely of their own making."  Let's have a look at that, shall we?  Also: notice any one particular, orange, person that had a hand in that?

He should know something about a total lack of accountability.  If electric and infrastructure were a disaster, why wasn't he doing anything about it?  Ameria first: we're gonna fix the crumbling state of the infrastructure.  Where did I hear that?

Forever?!  Let's have a look at FEMA's website on Florida's Hurricane Irma involvement, shall we?

And the Department of Agriculture is now actively assisting in Florida:

When was that hurricane?

How about Texas?

And neither of those states were totally devasted.  Nor do they have to ship help in via destroyed ports that are regulated by the Jones Act.  And neither of them are still without power and water.  Dick.

And he doesn't even have the sense to tweet about something else to keep his followers' minds off the disaster.  He should have stuck with complaining about the NFL.  The problem is, when he's doing that, the TV people complain about him.  He's gotten himself between a rock and a hard place.  Largely of his own doing.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 5:00pm:

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