Monday, November 28, 2016

Standing Rock Camp Will Stay

The US Army Corps of Engineers will not forcibly remove Standing Rock activists from a disputed protest camp in North Dakota, according to a statement. It previously said the Oceti Sakowin camp would be closed on December 5.


It did warn, however, that “those who remain will be considered unauthorized and may be subject to citation under federal, state, or local laws.”


The Corps of Engineers has described the move as “necessary to protect the general public from the dangerous confrontations between demonstrators and law enforcement officials which have occurred near this area.”

There IS no general public in that area.
A “free speech zone” was set up south of the river intended for peaceful protest according to authorities.
How very American. To protest, you can have this one spot over here out of range of the action where you can hold signs and not cause anybody any discomfort or trouble.

I believe Free Speech Zones were created under the reign of George Bush II. It's unbelievable to me that there was not total outrage over the idea, but rather an acceptance and normalization by the US media. Free Speech Zones. Under the Constitution, the entirety of the United States is a free speech zone. The founding fathers are in tears.

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