Thursday, May 12, 2016

Regarding Flint

The infrastructure projects of local governments everywhere in the US [are funded] by borrowing from the billionaires via bond issues that scoop up the taxes paid by poor people to repay bondholders at rates that street level loan sharks would envy. When the local tax revenues are insufficient to keep up the payments, local governments are turned into collection agencies, with emergency managers like those in Flint and Detroit appointed to cut services and pay the bondholders on time.


This matrix of borrowing from the billionaires instead of taxing them, then turning local governments into collection agencies to repay the loans out of poor people's taxes is what brought us the mass poisonings in Flint.


The root of the crisis in Flint isn't racist Republicans or devious Democrats. It's a property of present day capitalism. The system does work, this is how it works, and both parties are committed to keeping it that way.


The federal Environmental Protection Agency [part of the executive branch of government], as Black Agenda Report's Dr. Marsha Coleman Abedayo, a former EPA official and whistleblower has repeatedly pointed out, has always possesed the legal power under the Nixon era Clean Water Act to seize the water systems of Flint and dozens of other cities around the country which are known to be poisoning local residents, arrest the parties responsible, and operate those systems itself. But although regional EPA officials were fully aware of the Flint situation months before it became public, they chose not to act.


Obama's regional and national EPA officials didn't decline to protect Flint's citizens by seizing the water works because they feared Republican opposition. Congressional Republicans simply don't have the power to stop the executive branch from enforcing a law already on the books. [The] White House and top EPA officials chose not to punish the EPA officials whose failure to act prolonged the poisonings.

Instead, the White House preferred to score cheap election year points against Republicans for the same privatizing acts that Democrats carry out all over the map.


The last president named Clinton introduced what was called the “Reinventing Government” initiative, compelling state and local governments to begin privatizing dozens of types of government services.


The Obama administration's Race To The Top program used billions of federal stimulus dollars to privatize thousands of public schools across the country. The Obama administration has likely privatized more public schools than any other president has ever built.


[W]ithout the figure of the first black president to divert attention away from bipartisan complicity in the poisonings, the coverups and the machinations which led to it all, Flint would be a very different story.

  Black Agenda Report
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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