Saturday, January 16, 2016


The Clinton campaign just made a serious mistake.

They sent Hillary and Bill Clinton’s daughter Chelsea out on behalf of her mother to bash Senator Bernie Sanders on the issue of health care./>



Here’s what she said: “Senator Sanders wants to dismantle Obamacare, dismantle the [Children’s Health Insurance Program], dismantle Medicare, and dismantle private insurance.”


Chelsea Clinton misrepresented Senator Sanders’ position, and her premiere performance on the stump backfired, producing a flood of political donations to Sanders.


As Karen Tumulty noted in The Washington Post, Bernie Sanders has long been a champion of a single-payer health care system as the only way to assure that all Americans receive medical coverage.

  Bill Moyers
Well, she couldn't very well say THAT, could she? People would LIKE that.

Remember when Bill Clinton was president and Hillary took on health care as her pet project? How'd that turn out? Yeah, that's what I thought.

And, oh yeah...

[D]ocuments that we uncovered in 2009 on Bill Moyers Journal with the help of former health insurance executive, now whistleblower Wendell Potter [...] showed a systematic plan by health insurers to discredit single payer.


President Obama, himself a one-time advocate of single payer coverage, buckled to the insurance companies and its lobbyists and minions in Congress and agreed to health care legislation (the Affordable Care Act) that would continue to treat healing the sick as a profit center instead of a basic human right.
Which begs the question: where's the guarantee that Bernie wouldn't do the same?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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