Monday, May 14, 2012

First the Scientists, Then the Inspectors

[N]ews that a South Korean IAEA inspector, Okseok Seo, was killed in a car “accident” while in Iran should make us sit up and take notice.

While it is certainly true that driving on Iranian roads is a risky business, there are other even more risky activities that may put someone with Seo’s job in mortal danger – such as not going along with the program of Western governments pushing for war. The supposed “accident’ took place on a road near the Iranian nuclear facility at Arak at around midnight – a weird time for an UN weapons inspector to be driving around. That Mr. Seo may have crossed the wrong people – or, more accurately, the wrong country – is a live possibility. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time an inspector from the IAEA was the victim of possible foul play.

  Justin Raimondo
Of course, if the inspector has been murdered, it would be just as likely a speculation that the Iranians wanted to prevent him from reporting their secrets, wouldn't it? Choose your sides, people. Choose your sides. We're going to need another war.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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