Monday, November 7, 2016

Tech Experts

Dear Newsweek

Time to dump Kurt Eichenwald.

He's talking about 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop.  Does he have any idea how small emails are and how large laptop hard drives can be?  Apparently not.

Who in the world are his tech experts?  His grandparents?

This is the Newsweek reporter who first and foremost pushed the meme that the Russian government passed the Clinton emails to Wikileaks.  Every time I clicked a link on a Google search for Eichenwald's Twitters regarding the laptop emails, I got this:

Except for this one, where people are trying to school Eichenwald and he won't give up.  At least it's still up at this moment.

Oh, and on his Twitter account, I found this recent post:

And this lovely brag:

Because the FBI is supposed to take somebody's word for something they can check out for themselves?

And just before that, he posted this:

So, he can know what's on the laptop before an investigation into it, but Trump supporters can't?

I could tell you who's a disgrace, Kurt, but you wouldn't believe me.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


The "little scandal" involves Eichenwald giving $2,000 to a former child-porn performer.  It's convoluted.  Read it.  Makes me wonder how he got a job at Newsweek until I remember that slick news magazines have gone the way of cable news.  Titillation and infotainment.

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