Monday, September 2, 2024

Get rid of the filibuster!

On yesterday's podcast "No Lie" with Brian Tyler Cohen, Nancy Pelosi said this:  
Let's just win this election.  But when we do, one of the first things we have to do is get rid of the filibuster rules so that 51 votes can pass Roe v. Wade, Equality Act for LGBTQ community rights, the Freedom to Vote Act - that's the most important one - all of these things, whether it's freedom from gun violence, the list goes on...And we have what I think is a clear vision from the Senate that they would do that as soon as we win this election.
I know Nancy is in the House, and it's the fucking Senate Democrats that haven't wanted to get rid of the filibuster, but Nancy is not afraid to use any power she has to pressure anyone in Congress (and probably anywhere), so I'm hoping she has enough influence to get this done.  

Dems must keep the Senate and retake the House.  Hopefully there will be a blowout in both.

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