Saturday, February 10, 2024

Aileen "Loose" Cannon is begging to be replaced

Yesterday Mueller, She Wrote explained what's been going on.

Maybe Jack Smith will appeal to the Circuit Court to have her reassigned. I hope.

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 09:21 am:

Here's Cannon's insane order designed to help Trump undermine and intimidate witnesses:

UPDATE 02/11/2024:

UPDATE 02/11/2024 01:45 pm:
Special counsel prosecutors have produced to Donald Trump a sealed exhibit about threats to a potential trial witness after the federal judge overseeing his prosecution for retaining classified documents ordered the exhibit turned over despite the prosecutors’ objections.


At issue is a complicated legal battle that started in January when Trump filed a motion to compel discovery, a request asking the judge to force prosecutors to turn over reams of additional information they believe could help them fight the charges.

The motion to compel was partially redacted and submitted with 70 accompanying exhibits, many of which were sealed and redacted. But Trump’s lawyers asked that those sealed filings be made public because many of the names included in the exhibits were people already known to have worked on the documents investigation.


As part of prosecutors’ motion for reconsideration, they asked to submit alongside their court filings a third set of exhibits under seal and ex parte. Cannon agreed, pending her personal review of their contents. On Friday, she ruled they should not be ex parte – and should be turned over to Trump, as well.

So, contrary to the claim that she agreed and then changed her mind, it seems she only agreed until she could read the material and decide for herself whether they warranted being withheld from Trump.

Well, I'm confused.

UPDATE 02/12/2024:  Clearing it up for me a bit  (and this is NOT an actual account of Jack Smith, the Special Counsel):

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