Sunday, September 4, 2022

Apocalypse preppers

Years ago I read an article about climate disaster and how the wealthy and politically connected have already decided there's no going back, so they're simply working to amass all they can now in the hopes of protecting themselves.

I've been searching for that article ever since with no luck. Today, however, this article showed up in my news feed.

Here was a prepper with security clearance, field experience and food sustainability expertise. He believed the best way to cope with the impending disaster was to change the way we treat one another, the economy, and the planet right now – while also developing a network of secret, totally self-sufficient residential farm communities for millionaires, guarded by Navy Seals armed to the teeth.

Read it. Really.

The important conclusion to draw is not that the whole shebang is going to collapse - that's inevitable, and it could be sooner than later at the rate we're going. The important thing to understand is that many of the people at the top of the economic/political pyramid don't give a shit if you survive or not. What's important for them is to keep you divided against each other so they can maintain their privilege and power.

So, if you have descendants you care about, when you vote, choose the people who are showing you (not telling you) they maybe give at least a little shit about humanity, about feeding, clothing, educating and securing the health of the masses. Because if you are here, no matter how you see yourself, you are most definitely not the elite (no matter what some conman might tell you). You are somewhere on the scale that defines the masses, and that means your children and their children will be also.

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