Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Yep, another day, another Republican bowing out

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) announced he will not seek reelection on Tuesday, citing his pledge to only serve four terms in Congress.

“I believed when I ran on term limits. I ran on a pledge to serve four terms — eight years and come home," he said. "Many told me I was naive and they're probably right. I was told the district has changed three times and so the pledge isn't binding and I could rationalize that. However, I truly believe a person's word is their bond and should live up to their word."

The Florida Republican was first elected in 2012 and rose to become a senior member on the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee.

He also sits on the House Agriculture Committee and is a member of the Republican Study Committee and House Freedom Caucus.

Yoho is the 23rd GOP lawmaker to announce during the 116th Congress that they will not seek reelection.

  The Hill
Keep 'em coming.
His seat is expected to remain in Republican control.
Hopefully not.

Yoho is the one who, when Republicans were (falsely) screaming that the Democrats were keeping them out of the closed door impeachment hearings, wasn't attending even though he was on the proper committee to do so (and I would say thereby ethically required to), because he said they were a "sideshow".

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