Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Solar tariffs, and Americans will pay

Tariffs on solar panels implemented under President Trump have significantly harmed the U.S. solar industry, according to a new analysis released Tuesday.

More than 62,000 jobs and nearly $19 billion in new private sector investment has been lost due to the 2018 tariffs Trump placed on solar imports, according to the study by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The number of jobs lost is nearly double the toll the SEIA first estimated when Trump announced the tariffs.

  The Hill
Jobs, jobs, jobs.

Not to mention a setback in environmental sustainability.
The $28 billion U.S. solar industry has been significantly affected by the tariffs. The industry gets 80 percent of its solar panel products from imports, largely from China.


U.S. companies have warned that the high tax on importing the necessary solar materials will lead the industry to move fully oversees, hurting American business even more.


The group additionally estimated that the tariffs cost the U.S. more than $10.5 million per day in unrealized economic activity. From a climate perspective, the SEIA also estimated that reduced solar panel deployment activity in the U.S., stemming from the tariffs, would increase emissions equivalent to 5.5 million cars.

The SEIA estimated that the tariffs are largely hurting solar companies located in the nascent markets of Alabama, Nebraska, Kansas and the Dakotas.
Right in the MAGA belt.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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