Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dear Susan: You can never make up for your Kavanaugh vote

But keep trying.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) on Tuesday voted against one of President Trump's district court nominees.

Collins was the only GOP senator who opposed ending debate on Sarah Pitlyk's nomination to be a judge for the Eastern District of Missouri.

A final vote on Pitlyk is scheduled for Wednesday. She overcame Tuesday's hurdle in a 50-43 vote, meaning she's likely to be confirmed.

Collins, a moderate senator who is up for reelection next year, has opposed several judicial picks recently, including Steven Menashi for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, Chad Readler for the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and Wendy Vitter to be a district judge.

Collins, in a statement, said Pitlyk's lack of experience and concerns that the nominee would not be able to set aside her personal views on abortion were reasons she was opposing the nomination.


Pitlyk's was rated "not qualified" by the American Bar Association, according to a memo sent to Senate Judiciary Committee leadership. The outside group's standing committee said it "believes that Ms. Pitlyk does not have the requisite trial or litigation experience or its equivalent."

  The Hill

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