Thursday, December 5, 2019

Oh, the humanity!

No doubt you've heard about the Republican pearl-clutching - or at least Melania's complaint - about Professor Karlan's faux pas in yesterday's hearing (for which she apologized). I've avoided discussing it, because, like Adam Schiff's parody of Trump's "perfect" phone call, it was an avoidable error, or slip in judgment, but not worthy of debate. Here, however, is a small bit of sensible nonsense on the subject:
At last they have gone and done it. They have crossed that last frontier of decency. They have insinuated the unbearable — nay, the unthinkable: that Barron Trump is not a baron.

“While the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,” said Professor Pamela Karlan at the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearing. I am chagrined to retype the words, so obviously loathsome are they. To state that a child is not a baronet — this is the worst kind of speech


People said all kinds of things about the Obama children, but they never stooped to this wordplay. They criticized their outfits. They criticized their facial expressions. They never, not even once, used name-based wordplay to insinuate that they were not titled gentry. They always knew they had better not dare. That was the kind of respect the Obama children were always shown.


The point is, there are some outrages that presidents themselves must bear, but we always hope to spare the presidential children. They are just children, after all. They did not ask for this. This is an area in which the Trump administration has always stood firm. It has done many unsavory things to children — separated them from their parents, left them in not-cages. Even Melania Trump, who now speaks up so heartily for her son, wore a jacket that read “I really don’t care, do u?” to visit the children in their camps. But never, never did Donald Trump insinuate that those children were not royalty. That, he knew, would have been unthinkable.

No, this indignation is entirely justified. To allude to the fact that the president has minor children who are not royalty is the unkindest cut of all, and we must leave them out of it.

Honestly, you have to wonder why they named the kid Barron.  Or, you can imagine why, I think.  I once heard a black man say he named his son Mister so white people would have to call him Mr. ____.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.



I bet she's getting death threats, too.

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