Monday, December 9, 2019

Notes on the Judiciary impeachment hearing (taken in real time) - Part 2

After being interrupted and objected to for several minutes, Barry Berke, the Dems original presenter and Judiciary Committee lawyer, takes a seat of Nadler's counsel interrogator, and he's much better at that than presenting information.  He's hammering Castor with questions that are getting Castor in trouble.

Rather than throwing in the towel, Gaetz interrupts to stop the onslaught and give him a breather.  As they try to go on, other Republicans interrupt to save Castor, who's waaaaay out of his league.

Nadler is going to blow a gasket.

Rep. Doug Collins takes out Berke's attack on Castor on the Dems' witness Goldman.  He pounds the man mercilessly.  I thought Goldman would be able to block it better.

Things are seriously hot.  And Gaetz keeps shouting out whenever he feels like it.

Castor is so bizarre.  The Republican lawyer begins to question him, and he asks for time to talk.  She allows him, and he goes on a long, rambling, oddball spiel.  When she gets the floor again, she says Castor, you've been talking for 75 minutes here today, and I appreciate it.  He responds:  "My wife appreciates it, too.  She likes it when I do all the talking when she's not around."  And then gives a big weird grin.  WTF???

This woman they've got as the Republican counsel inquisitor is a snoooooooooze.  Between her and Castor, you might think you're in a high school moot court.  They'd be better off if they let Collins keep snarling.

She brings up Professor Turley, and Castor immediately says, "Turley's no Trump supporter."  She says, "Right.  He's a Democrat."  That's not true.  (I actually yelled that at the TV.) He may be no Trump supporter, but he's not a Democrat.  He's a civil libertarian.

It certainly appears that way.

Now we're going to go to the five-minute rounds.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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