Monday, December 9, 2019

Notes on the Judiciary impeachment hearing (taken in real time)

The Judiciary Committee folks are clowns compared to the Intel people both sides.  After an opening fiasco that Nadler doesn't seem equal to, the Dems' counselor gave his presentation.  Poorly.  Is this the best guy they had?

His use of Trump clips is good, though.

The Republicans are making the hearing an absolute circus.  As Kevin Kruse tweeted, they're "interrupting each other's interruptions." This is what was expected in Wednesday's hearing but didn't happened.  They must have gotten marching orders from Trump on over the weekend.

One of Republican presenter Steve Castor's complaints is that during the early closed door hearings, Democrats interrupted Republican witnesses.  I got a chuckle out of that, since that's what the Republicans have been doing in this hearing from the start.

When the Dems switched to Daniel Goldman, the attorney who sat with Adam Schiff on the Intel hearings, things got real.  This guy is good.

Republicans are kicking up a ruckus, with Matt Gaetz shouting out shit without being "recognized" to speak.  Somebody online suggests they're doing all this so people will give up and quit watching.  Possibly.  But they're also doing it beause they're dicks.

The hearing is on a break (objected to by the Republicans) after 2-1/2 hours.  When they come back, they'll have Castor again.  I'm going to pass on that, and go back when they do the 5-minute rounds questioning the witnesses.  I want to see Goldman take down the Republicans, but I have a feeling they won't be questioning him - they'll just be giving ranting speeches for five minutes each.

More later perhaps.


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