Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Meanwhile in Paris

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky met face to face at a Paris summit on Monday.

Mr Zelensky was downbeat, saying little had been achieved at the meeting and he had wanted to see more resolved.

It might well have been if Trump hadn't cut his legs out from under him.
Five-and-a-half years of fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed rebels have cost 13,000 lives.

The negotiations were brokered by the leaders of France and Germany.

They follow a big prisoner swap and the withdrawal of Ukraine's military from three key areas on the front line.

In a written statement, the countries agreed to the release and exchange of all "conflict-related detainees" by the end of the year.

The two sides also pledged to disengage military forces in three additional regions of Ukraine by the end of March 2020, without specifying which regions would be affected.

Additional talks will be held in four months to take stock of the ceasefire's progress.


Nato and Western intelligence experts have repeatedly accused Russia of sending heavy weapons and combat troops into eastern Ukraine to help the rebels.

Russia denies that, but admits that Russian "volunteers" are helping the rebels.


President Zelensky said the issue of Russian gas exports via pipelines through Ukraine had been "unblocked" after a dispute about transit tariffs, and an agreement would now be worked out.

But Russia and Ukraine continue to disagree on issues such as the withdrawal of Russian-backed troops, and elections in areas of Ukraine held by the separatist rebels.

Mr Putin also called for a change in Ukraine's constitution to give special status to the Donbas region, which is held by the rebels. He also pushed for an amnesty for people who had taken part in the seizure of Ukrainian territory.

Mr Zelensky told reporters that Ukraine would not make any territorial concessions in exchange for peace.
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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