Sunday, December 8, 2019

Lying rooster

Can't count?
2000: Trump enters the presidential race as a Reform Party candidate and receives more than 15,000 votes in the party's California primary.

  TV Guide
That was at a speech he gave to Jewish people (if that's not obvious by the backdrop) of the Israeli American Council, and that wasn't the worst of it by a long shot.

"A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well.  You're brutal killers.  Not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me. [...] You're not going to vote for the wealth tax."

Holy shit.

They were cheering, though.

It didn't go over so well other places.
“The President of the United States is incapable of addressing Jewish audiences without dipping into the deep well of anti-Semitic tropes that shape his worldview,” the [Jewish advocacy group J Street] tweeted Sunday.

“We’re not going to hold our breath waiting for Trump's supporters to speak out. We are going to work tirelessly to defeat this president and those who’ve enabled him 11 months from now,” J Street added.


Soifer pointed out that Trump, in fact, does not have the support of the majority of American Jews.

“American Jews do have a choice, and they’re not choosing President Trump or the Republican Party, which has been complicit in enacting his hateful agenda,” she said.

Soifer said Jewish support for the GOP slashed in half since Trump took office, from 33 percent in 2014 to 17 percent in 2018.


“An overwhelming majority of Jews are both pro-Israel and anti-Trump because of his incendiary rhetoric targeting our community and others, and because his symbolic gestures on Israel have not made America or Israel more secure,” she said.


The Jewish Democratic Council of America and J-Street were among groups to condemn Trump in August when he said American Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal.

      The Hill

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