Thursday, December 5, 2019

Full speed ahead

Quoting from the Declaration of Independence and the founding fathers about the danger of a president one day betraying the country’s trust to foreign powers, the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced on Thursday that she was directing the judiciary committee to draft articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.


In a brief statement delivered from the House speaker’s balcony and invoking the history of the United States as a land free of kings, Pelosi said that the impeachment investigation had revealed a failure by Trump to uphold the law and defend the constitution.


Trump, who has denied wrongdoing and declared the proceedings a “witch-hunt”, did not immediately respond.

They haven't reported it on Fox News, I guess.
If it has not already begun, the judiciary committee would now draft articles of impeachment for approval as early as next week. A vote to impeach Trump, or not, could follow on the floor of the House before a 20 December holiday break.


“Our democracy is what is at stake,” she said. “The president leaves us no choice but to act, because he is trying to corrupt once again the election for his own benefit.”
And that's the proper argument for people who say we should just let votes in the 2020 election decide. The 2016 election was deemed to have been decided with foreign influence, and Trump is seeking the same help for the 2020 election. A corrupt election is not a people's remedy.
If Trump were to be impeached in the House, the proceedings would move to the senate for a trial to be presided over by US supreme court’s chief justice, John Roberts. About 20 Republican senators would have to defect to convict Trump and remove him from office.
Sadly, that's not likely.

UPDATE, 2 hours later:  He has now heard.

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