Wednesday, December 11, 2019


A federal judge on Wednesday blocked President Trump from using Defense Department funds for the construction of his border wall.

Judge David Briones of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas ruled in favor of El Paso County, Texas, and Border Network for Human Rights, which had argued Trump’s national emergency declaration using billions in Pentagon funds for the wall was an overreach.

The plaintiffs also accused the White House of using the funds for a situation that did not meet the bar for an “emergency” under the National Emergencies Act.


Briones’s ruling does not apply to other funds that have been designated for wall construction, including counter-drug and Treasury Forfeiture funds. He wrote in his ruling that the court will rule on how broad the injunction could be after hearing additional briefing on the issue.

He also rejected a motion for an administrative stay, writing “Defendants do not have compelling reasons justifying an administrative stay of this decision as they have requested, though they are free to pursue a stay pending appeal before the Fifth Circuit.”

  The Hill
And this is how they win. There is so much shit going on, so many lawsuits, you can't keep track. I honestly thought this had already been decided. Apparently, it had only gotten to the point where the judge ruled plaintiff's had standing to bring the suit. Of course, they haven't gotten to the Supreme Court yet.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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