Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Trump working for the Russians

From two released hearing transcripts:
In one odd anecdote relayed by [Volker aide Christopher] Anderson, he described an early-2019 conversation in which then-national security adviser John Bolton revealed Trump had called him at his home to complain about a CNN story that made it appear the Navy was pushing back against Russian aggression in the Black Sea.

“Ambassador Bolton relayed that he was called at home by the president, who complained about this news report,” Anderson told lawmakers.

Anderson described a sense of “Ukraine fatigue” emerging inside the administration that was evident when the Navy launched a routine “freedom-of-navigation” operation in the Black Sea. Anderson said officials notified the Turkish government, and when CNN reported on the move — portraying it as a response to Russia — the White House asked the Navy to cancel the maneuver.

“We met with Ambassador Bolton and discussed this, and he made it clear that the president had called him to complain about that news report.


[Volker aide Catherine] Croft revealed that a previously unknown hold was placed on a separate aspect of U.S. lethal military aid to Ukraine. She told investigators that OMB put a hold on a transfer of javelin missiles to Ukraine — and that Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, expressed concerns that “Russia would react negatively.”

She said OMB was the “lone objector” to transferring the missiles to Kyiv and that “all of the policy agencies,” including the State Department and the National Security Council, supported the transfer.

Croft added that [from a briefing with Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney] refusing to provide javelins to Ukraine would benefit Russia.

And in that "perfect" call to Uranian president Zelensky, Zelensky mentioned the javelins, and Trump said, "I want you to do us a favor though."

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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