Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The long day

In case you missed the impeachment hearing today with George Kent and Ambassador Bill Taylor, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube.

Here are the three things I think are of note:

1) Ambassador Taylor testified that since his last testimony, a member of his staff told him about a phone call the staff member overheard between Trump and Sondland.  According to the testimony, Trump could be overheard on Sondland's cell asking Sondland about "the investigations" to which Sondland replied the Ukrainians were "ready to move forward."  After the call ended, the staff member reportedly asked Sondland what Trump thought about Ukraine, and Sondland's response was that Trump cares more about the investigations (ie, into Biden and the DNC) than he does about Ukraine.  I assume that staffer will be called to testify.

2) Even if Bill Taylor has a voice reminiscent of Walter Cronkite, George Kent is a far better witness: precise, clear, direct, and having a memory for detail about State Department regulations and affairs as well as for dates and events.  But both witnesses, to their credit, rebuffed any efforts to make them seem partisan, or as Jim Jordan accused them, of being the Democrats' "star witnesses".  Many times Taylor said, "I'm just here to tell you what I know and what I heard."

3) Democratic Representative Peter Welch is a quick wit.  Here's his comeback to Jim Jordan who claimed the hearings are unfair because Republicans don't get to hear from the whistleblower "who started it all":

That was the only light moment and the only one with any reaction from the room in the whole thing, and after five hours of repeats of what we already know, and the totally expected Republican lies and misdirections, it was greatly appreciated. By me at least.

Coming Friday: Marie Yovanovitch.

P.S.  I think George Kent must know what dogs are thinking when you talk to them, because his eyebrows do the same thing.


Honestly, they don't seem to think anything through any more.


There was so much of that kind of thing happening all day with the Republicans.  I can only surmise they haven't got a clue how to defend Trump.  Probably because there is no defense.  And Castor was their professional legal interrogator.  Here's a glimpse of him asking questions of Taylor that have nothing to do with Taylor's knowledge or anyone's ability to understand WTF Castor is doing.

UPDATE:  Representative Maloney has a point about the supporting documents that Taylor and Kent say are in the hands of the State Department, as a matter of procedure, and which Pompeo will not turn over to the committee.

UPDATE 11/21:  Ambassador's staff member is David Hale.  He was called to testify in private, and then in public on 11/21.  And, unsurprisingly treated to a barrage of insults from Jim Jordan.

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