Tuesday, November 12, 2019

News without surprises

President Trump has discussed dismissing the intelligence community’s inspector general, Michael Atkinson, because Mr. Atkinson reported a whistle-blower’s complaint about Mr. Trump’s interactions with Ukraine to Congress after concluding it was credible, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

Of course he has.
He has said he believes Mr. Atkinson, whom he appointed in 2017, has been disloyal, one of the people said.
He still thinks he's a king.
Two people familiar with what took place said they thought that Mr. Trump was just venting, and insisted that Mr. Atkinson’s dismissal was never under serious consideration.
Bullshit. He's only refraining from doing it because of the optics and the impeachment. He'll eventually find a way to do it.
The president publicly criticized James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, and Jeff Sessions, the former attorney general, before he dismissed them for perceived disloyalty.
Precisely. He has precedents.
Trump’s decision in May 2017 to fire Mr. Comey, who was leading an investigation into ties between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia, set off a firestorm that led to the appointment of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.


Inspectors general are supposed to be insulated from politics so they can follow the facts and provide oversight of the executive branch. While presidents have the authority to remove them, they are supposed to take that action only in cases of misconduct or failure to fulfill duties.
To Trump, disloyalty IS misconduct.
In these efforts, Mr. Trump has tried to present himself as an advocate for whistle-blowers, falsely claiming that he had been behind legislation to protect them.

“To think I signed the Whistleblower Protection Act!” Mr. Trump tweeted on Monday, misstating what he had signed.
Misstating or not knowing?

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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