Monday, November 11, 2019

Contrary to some reports, Trump appears to have an impeachment war room

Or at least there's an account called Trump War Room.

And guess what?  They're putting out lies.

Also...what am I missing?  How does the whistleblower being a registered Democrat HIDE the fact that he/she worked for Obama and Biden?

And Rand Paul keeps putting out this bullshit about witnesses.

He's also been saying that the Democrats are violating the 6th amendment by denying Trump the right to call witnesses and face his accusers.

This is not a trial.  It's an investigation.  The trial comes afterward if the House sends articles of impeachment to the Senate.  THEN he can have defense witnesses.  People need to call Paul out on this crap.

Because he's been doing impeachable things since he won the election?

You'll notice they cut the clip before Swalwell answers.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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