Friday, November 15, 2019

Bill Clinton's advice to Trump

Former President Clinton (D) on Thursday advised President Trump to leave fighting impeachment to his staff and focus on his agenda.

"My message would be, look, you got hired to do a job," Clinton said during a phone interview with CNN. "You don't get the days back you blow off. Every day is an opportunity to make something good happen.

"And I would say, 'I've got lawyers and staff people handling this impeachment inquiry, and they should just have at it,'" he continued. "Meanwhile, I'm going to work for the American people. That's what I would do."

  The Hill
By all accounts, that's what Bill DID do. At any rate, Trump is constitutionally unable to stay out of the fray, much less make something good happen.
Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday announced an initiative focused on more rigorously prosecuting gun crimes. Asked about the potential for congressional action on gun violence, Barr told reporters that negotiations had been sidelined because of impeachment.

“That’s just an excuse," Clinton said Thursday.
It's more than an excuse. It's an attempt to put responsibility for the lack of action on Democrats. They want to keep saying the Democrats are doing nothing for the country.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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