Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An environmentalist

The mental part is all that's right about Trump's claim to be an environmentalist.
"I'm very much into climate," he said after an audience member [Tuesday at the Economic Club of New York] asked about climate change.

“I consider myself in many ways to be an environmentalist,” he said, repeating past claims that during his career as a builder he did “the best environmental impact statements.”

He also called environmentalists “loco,” the Spanish word for crazy.

Trump’s comments follow a move just last week to formally exit the Paris Climate Accord, one of the latest developments in an administration that has been focused on rolling back numerous environmental regulations.

Since entering the White House, Trump has rolled back EPA regulations on methane, replaced an Obama-era rule regulating power plants emissions and suggested weakening vehicle fuel standards. He has also eased a major Obama-era rule protecting waterways.

  The Hill

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