Sunday, November 10, 2019

Always the dick

President Donald Trump said Friday that he won’t campaign against Jeff Sessions in his bid for his previously held Senate seat, despite their tense and rocky relationship during Sessions' tenure as attorney general.

"No, I won’t,” the president told reporters on the White House lawn when asked if he would campaign against Sessions. “I'll see how it all goes. We'll see what happens. He's got tough competition."

When I read that a couple days ago, I immediately thought, "No, he'll just make snide comments on Twitter." I don't know if he has, because I'm boycotting his Twitter account (unless I see something on another page that quotes something he's posted that I find particularly noteworthy). I think I'm healthier for it, if less informed about his latest diarrhetic flow.

But, if he hasn't yet said anything about Sessions, he's still in effect campaigning against him.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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