Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Minneapolis Mayor responds to the Trump cabal's accusations of extortion

“I don't have time with a city of 430,000 people to be tweeting garbage out, so it's kind of surprising when the president of the United States, a country with 327 million people, has the time to do this himself, so I don’t know where the guy gets the time."


Frey responded to Trump’s tweet on Twitter earlier Tuesday, tweeting, "Yawn... Welcome to Minneapolis where we pay our bills, we govern with integrity, and we love all of our neighbors," in reference to numerous cities that have said the campaign never reimbursed them for rallies.

“It’s not extortion to expect someone to pay their bills,” Frey later said at the Tuesday news conference, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.


Trump and his reelection campaign attacked Frey and the city this week for the $530,000 price tag assessed for the Thursday rally [...] .

  The Hill

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