Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Flynn sentencing memo

Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has offered extensive cooperation in the Russia investigation and shouldn’t spend any time in prison, special counsel Robert Mueller’s team said in a court filing on Tuesday.


One memo ― heavily redacted ― specified some of the evidence that Flynn provided.


In main section of memo, Mueller's office recommends probation -- a non-custodial sentence. The Special Counsel also filed a separate memorandum talking about the value of Flynn's cooperation. It's more extensive than I expected (6 pages) given the low sentencing stakes. It is heavily redacted (blacked out).

The redacted addendum says that Flynn provided help in a criminal investigation about [completely blacked out, but not Russia.] Also says that Flynn helped illuminate Trump campaign coordination with Russia. Lots is blacked out -- really nothing revealed.

In short, this isn't a bombshell, If Michael Cohen's plea is a Richter Scale 7 quake, this is a 5.

If we could read the redacted parts, would that still be the assessment?

And, by heavily redacted, they mean...

If you ask me, and you didn't, that's pretty generous to recommend no jail time.  But maybe it's also a reminder to others that full cooperation is your friend.

Sentencing will be December 18.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


That recomomendation of no jail time may not be entirely accurate.

Sentencing memo

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