Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Who's paying for the signs?

Trump was in Houston.

Eric Trump comes out, begins by boasting of their libs-triggering: "We are driving the Democrats absolutely nuts...It is so much fun to watch." (Don't worry will not live-tweet Eric.)
Wasn't Eric supposed to stay out of politics in order to run the Trump Organization? They love to flaunt their immunity to every norm and rule.

Ted Cruz is getting his own pre-Trump speech rather than the usual mid-speech pop-in Trump gives most candidates. "Do we defend freedom or do we give in to tyranny? Do we embrace jobs or do we give in to mobs?"

Cruz introduces Trump. They do a handshake/half-embrace/Trump-grabs-Cruz's-side-thing. Cruz walks off.
"This is some record crowd. They just told me we broke the record," Trump says, not specifying what record.

Trump keeps talking about the tax cut nobody else including his aides knows anything about: "We're going to be putting in a 10% tax cut for middle-income tax families...Kevin Brady is working on it...all middle-income people, a big tax cut...we'll be putting it in next (week?)."

Probably because he was called on it earlier when he was getting ready to leave...

"I think the Democrats had something to do with it, and now they're saying, I think we made a big mistake," Trump lies of the migrant caravan.

Trump lies that he is getting a "third billion-six" for his wall. There was $1.6B for non-wall border projects for 2018, and there's a second $1.6B under discussion for next year for non-wall projects, but there is no third $1.6B.

And there is no wall.

Trump, praising Cruz's conduct during the Kavanaugh battle, says Cruz did a "beautiful job staring down an angry left-wing mob."

Trump says it's especially great that he's gotten to appoint two SCOTUS justices, because "many" presidents don't even get to appoint one. Only four haven't gotten to appoint one, including two who died early in their terms.
With Trump, "many" can mean as little as one, or just himself.
There is a loud CNN Sucks chant, then the crowd applauds itself. "Don't worry, I don't like 'em either," Trump says.

Trump is calling on "the fake news to finally investigate Hillary Clinton." The crowd interrupts him mid-sentence with a roar and a raucous LOCK HER UP chant.

Trump, as usual, lies that he's eliminated the estate tax - the tax law merely raised the threshold - and misleadingly suggests the tax has a big impact on family farms and small businesses; they represented a tiny fraction of the estate tax-payers.

Trump: "You know what a globalist is, right? A globalist is a person who wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much." He calls himself "a nationalist." There is a U-S-A chant.

Trump boasts of his extraordinarily low popularity in Pew polling around the world. He says, "I said, of course I'm unpopular with foreign nations, because we're not letting them rip us off anymore, folks."

Trump lies: "But I'm one of the most popular presidents in this country, and that's good. In OUR country."

Trump lies that there were some good polls for him but the media outlets who paid for the polls didn't want to release them and tried to suppress them because they were good for him. "Fake news," he concludes.
That's a good tack.  Something happened, but the Fake News didn't report it.  And who are you going to believe?  Them or me?
Trump with I think a new line: "The Democrats are a big risk to the American family, and our country cannot afford to take those kinds of risks." He repeats his claim that this is an election about Kavanaugh, "the caravan," "law and order," "tax cuts," and "common sense."

Trump mocks O'Rourke for (supposedly, I'm not sure) saying immigrant gang members are "people" and not "animals": "They carve you up with a knife, but they're people."

Trump is just saying Maxine Waters's name repeatedly. "Low-IQ individual. She's low-IQ," he repeats. Again, he does not talk about any member of Congress this way other than an outspoken Black woman.

Trump, talking Warren, says repeatedly that he "can't call her Pocahontas" because she has no "Indian blood," though that is not what the test showed. Then, without explanation, he says he will indeed keep calling her Pocahontas.

Trump says Make America Great Again is the best slogan ever, while Hillary Clinton's slogan was "stupid."

Trump on Hurricane Harvey, which killed dozens in Texas: "Did we help you with that lousy hurricane?...That sucker...That was brutal...It was taunting us. Have you ever been taunted?" He said he was upset because "I'm paying for that."

Trump on a Texas infrastructure project: "Would you name it the Trump Dam, please? Name it the Trump Dam...It's beautiful, it's big, it's expensive...I want...nah, I'm only kidding. I did not ask him that."
And then, Daniel had to leave.

This was about illegal immigrants of voting in California.

And thus does democracy die.

(And why are they using Trump-Pence signs?  And this was supposedly a rally for Ted Cruz.)

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


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