Thursday, September 20, 2018

Dear God!

UPDATE 9/22:  I've gone through this post and edited out the other man's name, as he doesn't deserve to have it spread.

This asshole has offered up another man, who he actually names!, as the man who may have assaulted Christine Ford because...get this...he and Kavanaugh look alike!

I'll just post the last of his tweet shit...

 Want to guess who Ed Whelan is?
Ed Whelan, the president of conservative think tank the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), made a bold prediction on Twitter that “compelling evidence” would exonerate Kavanaugh next week.

“By one week from today [it was Sept. 18] I expect that Judge Kavanaugh will have been clearly vindicated on this matter. Specifically, I expect that compelling evidence will show his categorical denial to be truthful,” Whelan tweeted on Tuesday. “There will be no cloud over him.”

“It’s precisely b/c sexual assault is so terrible that it is deeply unjust when someone is mistakenly (even good-faith mistakenly) accused of having committed it,” he said. “Everyone should rejoice when the mistake is found.”


Whelan did link to a Yahoo story saying this may be a case of “mistaken identity.”

  Law and Crime
I believe that bullshit can be lain at the feet of Old Bag Orrin Hatch who said Ford could be "mixed up".

The president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.  Some ethics.  I'm guessing he's also the only member.

We'll surely be seeing Mr. Whelan in court.
[Whelan] said that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) would “soon be apologizing” to Kavanaugh and that Kavanaugh’s “suffering […] will be shown to have been deeply unjust.”
Kavanaugh's suffering!!
It is notable that Whelan is opposed to the requested FBI investigation, opposed to a subpoena of alleged witness Mark Judge, and opposed to the delay of Monday’s planned hearing.
Of course he is!
It’s also notable that Whelan once clerked for deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Whelan’s also a long-time friend of Kavanaugh’s.
Two fucking surprises!

And this is the Gateway Pundit headline (to which I am purposely not providing a link):

Ford knew who Kavanaugh was.  She knew him.  No doubt there were several prep assholes who looked much like that.


Ed Whelan is a lawyer.  He should lose his license.


Really??  This lawyer needs a dictionary.


And, to Ed....

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