Saturday, December 2, 2017

Here you go Trumpsters

Hope you can still feed yourselves, your old grannies and your kids in 2020.  Maybe you can all work in a coal mine together.
The Senate passed its tax reform bill in the early hour of Saturday morning, following a day full of Republican leaders making changes to bring enough members on board and a long night full of heated rhetoric on both sides of the aisle.

The vote was 51-49, mostly along party lines.

Mostly meaning Bob Corker was the onlly Republican holdout.
As we buttoned up the shebeen for the week, the Senate still had not voted on the Shove All The Money Upwards Act of 2017. Mitch McConnell was out there saying that the Republican majority had the votes to pass it. What they didn’t have was the bill itself, which was still being drafted as McConnell was speaking. This is transparently nuts, of course. But Lisa Murkowski will get her oil rigs in ANWR, and Susan Collins will get something she can pretend matters in Maine, and John McCain can go back to bellyaching uselessly about “regular order.” I think these people would have been fully capable of passing this bill even if it never actually existed.

What I am thinking about, however, is the president*, and I’m wondering whether, in the dark heart of his withered soul, if he’s worried about this tax thing passing. After all, once it does, the congressional Republicans have no real need for him anymore. They’ll get everything they need from Mike Pence, assuming he doesn’t have to take a Michael Flynn Fellowship at a grand jury and, even if Pence does, here comes Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin, as the next in line of succession. The president* has to wonder how long the Congress will remain supine if they all get their “win” on the abomination of desolation that is the tax bill. They can’t all want to go down with him and his extended family of international grifters. He has to know that. I’m just afraid he’ll pull the temple down on his own combover.

  Charles P Pierce

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