Saturday, August 19, 2017

How'd That Boston "Free Speech" White Supremacist Rally Go?

Only a handful of rally-goers, some wearing red "Make America Great Again" Trump caps, appeared to navigate their way through waves of marchers pouring into the Boston Common area, where the "Boston Free Speech" was planned.

Some media reports said only two dozen people actually attended the rally that had sparked the counter protest in the first place.


At 1:30 p.m., about 90 minutes after the rally had been set to begin, the Boston Police Department tweeted that the "Free Speech" rally was "officially over" and the demonstrators had left the Common.

By noon, Boston police said at least 15,000 counterprotesters were peacefully marching toward the park where the rally area was blocked off by a ring of metal barriers.

Thousands more descended on the area over the next hour.


One video posted by showed a man in a tee-shirt and wearing a red "Make America Great Again" Trump cap was surrounded by protesters and immobilized for several minutes until the crowd dissolved.

TV cameras showed a group of boisterous counterprotesters on the Common chasing a man with a Trump campaign banner and cap, shouting and swearing at him. But other counterprotesters intervened and helped the man safely over a fence into the area where the conservative rally was to be staged.

So, it went well, then.

I wonder if the other eight or nine rallies scheduled this weekend went as well.

Fifteen thousand.

Maybe much bigger.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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