Thursday, February 2, 2017

When No One Is Held Accountable

No one was ever prosecuted for their role in torture during the 2000s -- instead, one CIA official who tried to blow the whistle on torture was sent to prison. The clear message was this: America is a place where there is no accountability.

Which meant the stage was set for history to repeat -- and repeat quickly. With no signal that torture not only violated America's core values but was against the law, Donald Trump could run for president explicitly promising to bring it back. Since his election victory, Trump has kept his promise. He appointed -- and the Senate confirmed -- a new CIA director who said he was OK with bringing back waterboarding. The new president is poised to sign an executive order explicitly allowing the CIA to re-open its secret "black site" prisons. And today, Trump's CIA chief Mike Pompeo named one of the people who should have been prosecuted for her role in torture as the spy agency's No. 2 [Gina Haspel].


[As the Washington Post's Greg Miller put it in 2013,] she was “directly involved in its controversial interrogation program” and had an “extensive role” in torturing detainees. Even more troubling, she “had run a secret prison in Thailand” – part of the CIA’s network of “black sites” – “where two detainees were subjected to waterboarding and other harsh techniques.” The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture also detailed the central role she played in the particularly gruesome torture of detainee Abu Zubaydah.

Beyond all that, she played a vital role in the destruction of interrogation videotapes that showed the torture of detainees both at the black site she ran and other secret agency locations [violating multiple court orders as well the demands of the 9/11 Commission].
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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