Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Real Resistance

It's not the Democratic Party.
In recent days, career employees at the State Department gathered nearly 1,000 signatures for what’s known as a “Dissent Channel” memo in which they express their anger over a Trump executive order that bars immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries and halts refugee admissions to the country. The number of signatures was extraordinarily high, even though the letter was submitted after White House spokesman Sean Spicer essentially warned the dissenting diplomats they were risking their jobs.


Current and former employees of the Labor Department, meanwhile, are using their private e-mail accounts to send around a link to a letter asking senators to oppose the nomination of Andrew Puzder for the secretary of their agency. The employees may sign on to the letter using Google Docs. The letter will not be submitted to the Senate HELP Committee, and the signatures will not be made public, unless 200 current employees sign on.


At the EPA, a small group of career employees — numbering less than a dozen so far — are using an encrypted messaging app to discuss what to do if Trump’s political appointees undermine their agency’s mission to protect public health and the environment, flout the law, or delete valuable scientific data that the agency has been collecting for years, sources told POLITICO.


EPA employees are uniquely concerned about their future, having faced barbs from Trump advisers who have toyed with cutting the agency's staff by two-thirds and from other Republicans who want to eliminate the agency altogether. So career staffers are discussing the best way to alert the public to what’s happening behind the scenes.


Fearing for their jobs, the employees began communicating incognito using the app Signal shortly after Trump’s inauguration. Signal, like WhatsApp and other mobile phone software, encrypts all communications, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to them.


[T]he goal is to “create a network across the agency” of people who will raise red flags if Trump’s appointees do anything unlawful.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

But will be furiously working on ways to get at those people.

And since Obama kicked the legs out from under whistleblower protections, they can't go there.

What will we call the American Stasi?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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