Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Little Education Could Go a Long Way

Let's make it free and lifelong.

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A Missouri man told police he thought the state’s new “stand your ground” gun law would protect him after allegedly shooting another man [who ran off with a cell phone the first man was trying to sell him], according to police.

Karl O. Henson, 23, admitted he opened fire while running after a man whose back was turned, he later told officers in a probable cause statement.

Henson, who faces charges of armed criminal action and first degree assault, told police, “the only reason I thought it was OK to shoot at him while he was running away was because of what happened with the new year with the gun law change,” officer Spirit Stevens wrote.

Not exactly the code of the West, eh? It doesn't have to be moral if it's legal. Only following the example of our government.
The law allows people [to] use deadly force instead of running away, as long as they believe deadly force will be used upon them.
Well, he got the running away part and the shooting part.
Henson told police he chased the man  into a field, firing six shots and dropping one unspent round as he ran, according to the statement.

The shooting victim was wounded in the heel, and a private vehicle took him to University Hospital, police said.
The guy is lucky Henson is a bad shot and a klutz as well as being a dumbshit.

h/t Jean

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