Monday, September 26, 2016


That was hysterical.  Can't wait for round 2.

I'll only say one thing about it:  Focusing on how proud he is of himself and how wonderful he is, Donald missed a perfect set-up to legitimately knock Hillary.  When the question was what the candidates would do to protect the US from cyber attacks, Hillary got first shot.  She gave her two minute spiel about how serious and important the issue is, and when Donald got his turn, had he been able to focus outside of his own vanity, he could have nailed her for running her own private server that left all her communications open to hackers.

Okay - two things:
Despite repeated, sniping interruptions from Trump when Clinton is talking (“Wrong.”) during her allotted time (“Wrong!”), Holt has completely failed to enforce his own rules and keep Trump quiet.

So long as Trump speaks whenever and however often he feels like it, unchallenged, Holt might as well be watching the debate from home along with the rest of us.

  Sam Biddle at The Intercept
Dude, he tried several times. NOBODY could have kept Trump quiet. I'm assuming Lester Holt did not have the ability to cut Trump's microphone.

Terrifying, but awesome.

And, this will be very funny if you watched the debate:

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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