Monday, October 13, 2014

Citizen Four: Revelation of the Second Leaker

“Citizenfour” unexpectedly ends in startling, quasi-comic dumbshow fashion in Moscow, as Greenwald reveals to a goggle-eyed Snowden the as-yet undisclosed revelations of an even higher-up whistleblower by scribbling words on scraps of paper, promptly read, digested, and just sporadically caught by the camera. The papers are then torn into small squares, with only the word “Potus” clearly visible. Whether this coda records fact or theatricalizes unrealistic speculation remains unclear.

This Variety review and a Hollywood Reporter review both talk about this revelation that the second leaker implicates the president in the same manner. Hollywood Reporter says you are “free to believe it or not.”

What are they afraid of? Of course there is going to be scrambling and denial coming from the White House, and perhaps attempts to seriously silence the second leaker. But for all we know about Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald, what reason do we possibly have to disbelieve this one item?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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