Monday, October 8, 2012

The Other Debate

How shamefully undemocratic is it that there are three presidential candidates who weren't even given space on the stage at the "Presidential debate"? Very.

But you can read a transcript of the debate (same questions as the big show) between Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party and Green party candidate Jill Stein  here.  Libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson declined to participate

Or watch highlights here at Democracy Now! (Stein and Anderson's answers inserted into the big show so that you can compare all answers):

UPDATE:  The full version is available here.

Don't you want a president named Rocky?  I guess we all know what song would be played at his acceptance celebrations.  He wants single payer health insurance for all Americans (so does Jill Stein - a doctor), and work program that rebuilds our dying infrastructure and puts people to work (that's how the national parks got built and much of our once fabulous highway system), reduce the amount of Social Security payments low income people are making and remove the cap (which stands at $110,000) and the exemption for investment earnings, so that rich folks and those living off investments pay an equivalent proportion of their income into Social Security, and repeal the PATRIOT Act, returning the US to a system of due process under the law.

Check it out.  You might find someone to vote for.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

PS - you might want to do some investigating into Rocky Anderson.  I've just started.  Here's where you can vote for him (as of this date) in November.  Click on the graphic to go to his presidential bid website.

Rocky Anderson: This race is about our most fundamental values, about who the American people are and who we are becoming. It is about whether we will work together for equality of opportunity, equality under the law, liberty and justice — economic justice, social justice, environmental justice for all. Or whether we will, in the face of gross inequalities of opportunity, simply leave everybody to fend for themselves as in a bad Ayn Rand novel or Mitt Romney speech.

This race is also about whether our nation will continue down the road toward totalitarianism with an imperial presidency that has been made so much worse under both the Bush and the Obama administrations, which have shown utter contempt for the rule of law, due process, and the restrictions under the War Powers Clause of the United State Constitution.

We must say no to any more assassinations of U.S. citizens. We must say no to indefinite detention without any semblance of due process, and to the continued drone killings that have made our nation so much less secure. So, let your voices be heard loudly from the voting booth as you are guided by your most deeply held values.

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