Friday, June 8, 2012

Propaganda vs. National Security

Propaganda wins.

Threatening whistleblowers with decades in prison for “espionage” — while shuffling classified information to Hollywood producers to enable production of an Election Year propaganda film (about a covert action you insist to courts cannot be the subject of disclosure) — is corruption quite extreme.


When those senior administration officials who glorified the President with their leaks are occupying prison cells next to Bradley Manning and Jeffrey Sterling and the other whistleblowers who exposed government wrongdoing, then you’ll know that the Obama administration genuinely views secrecy as an important security value rather than as a gross instrument of propaganda, intimidation, and unaccountability.

  Glenn Greenwald
That Greenwald post is somewhat lengthy, but good.  You might want to read the whole thing.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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