Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Well That Explains Everything

Testosterone can skew one’s judgement, creating the impression that decisions are best taken alone even in situations that call for collaboration, according to a study released Wednesday.

In a clever set of experiments, scientists led by Nicholas Wright at the University of London showed that women given a dose of testosterone become less inclined to act in concert even when it was clearly in their interest to do so.


“Too much testosterone can help blind us to other people’s views,” he concluded. “This can be very significant when we are talking about a dominant individual trying to assert his or her opinion in, say, a jury.”

  Raw Story
Or, say, the world.
Earlier research, for example, on the biological underpinnings of group decision making revealed that a naturally-occurring hormone, oxytocin, promotes the urge to work side-by-side.
Or maybe front to back.

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