Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm too old and tired to spend any more time figuring out what might have gone awry on the You Will Anyway website, and so goodbye to all those years of posts.  Maybe it's a message from the greater universe.  Too bad we don't always understand each other.

So, we go from here.  Fresh and new.  Unlike the world we live in, where the same old shit just goes on and on and on.

Hang in there, everybody.  It only gets worse.


Anonymous said...

Bummer. I know you still have two loyal readers :-)


m said...

aw, thanks. as you've since found, the new template actually works on your google thingy. and i'm rapidly becoming accustomed to the posting interface (it is actually better), so hey, in this era of Obama - let's just move forward. there'll be no looking back! (if you can't beat 'em....)

m said...

there is one MAJOR problem with the new program, however. the old one highlighted your coding errors when you tried to publish, the new one just says it can't publish. you have to hunt down your own errors, which in a long post, can be a pain in the ass.

m said...

or as in one i recently posted, a flaw in the coding of an embedded youtube video which was hidden. that one took some doing.